by mulderpf » Fri May 03, 2013 3:01 pm
The issue here I believe is that the dependant was using a joint account with the main applicant to prove maintenance, in which case, it would be that the dependant's maintenance would have to be over and above the maintenance funds of the "main applicant".
Whilst neither the rules, nor the guidance specifically address situations where the dependant and the main applicant applied separately, this has been argued before in an appeal as to what constitutes funds being "available" and specifically if I remember the wording that the funds shouldn't be for any reason "unavailable". By using a joint account, these funds would be unavailable as it should technically be maintained for the main applicant's maintenance.
Otherwise, what you are saying here is that for applications where there is not enough funds available for maintenance for all of the applicants to apply together, they could simply just separate out there applications and apply separately, but show the same maintenance fund account statements (hence double counting the same money).
I believe that the right decision was made, but with the law and the guidance being so vague on the actual issue, you may win an appeal on this.
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