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Post-ILR questions - Pls Help

A section for posts relating to applications for Naturalisation or Registration as a British Citizen. Naturalisation

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Post-ILR questions - Pls Help

Post by AloofStar » Mon May 06, 2013 7:53 pm

I recenty got ILR (01 May 2013) and have some questions regarding my UK born son for registration.

Before ILR, I was on Tier 1 (General) and my son was my dependent. He was not included in the ILR application - based on the understanding that I can register him directly as a british citizen.

With this background, my questions are:

1) how soon I have to apply for his MN1 registration? Can I wait for few months?
(After paying premium fees for ILR for myself and spouse, my finance needs some breathing space!)

2) My son still has his biometric card valid till Oct 2014. Not sure if he can use this card to travel overseas. On the card his status is still Tier 1 dependent.

3) Also as far as I understand, claiming child benefit etc would have NO bearings on my later naturalization application. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Apologies if these questions have been addressed elsewhere. Appreciate if you could help me with the above queries or provide the link where I can get the answers. Thanks.

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Post by Jambo » Mon May 06, 2013 8:33 pm

1. Whenever you wish until the child is 18.
2. Should be fine.
3. Correct. No affect.

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Post by AloofStar » Tue May 07, 2013 11:41 pm

Jambo wrote:1. Whenever you wish until the child is 18.
2. Should be fine.
3. Correct. No affect.
Many thanks for your valuable inputs Jambo. Just got one more question:

How soon I can apply for naturalization? I got my ILR on 01 May 2013. Do I need to wait exactly 1 year. Or it is possible to apply 28 days early, like ILR. BTW I have been in the UK for more than 5 years.

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Post by Jambo » Wed May 08, 2013 12:17 am

1 year (unless married/CP to a BC). There is no 28 days rule for naturalisation.

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Post by Arsal9 » Wed May 08, 2013 8:37 pm


I got my ILR on 13 September 2012 after completing 5years on T1 general.
I was searching in UKBA website about the eligibility criteria to apply for Naturalization and could not find any thing about to wait for 1 year after ILR.
Could you please help me with the link?
Also I have 2 questions
1- I have completed life in UK test do I have to take any other English language test to apply for naturalization?
2- My wife also got her ILR on the same day, can we both make application at the same time? she came in UK Jan 2010.
3- What is the earliest date I can apply for Naturalization?

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Post by Jambo » Wed May 08, 2013 9:08 pm

Arsal9 wrote:Jambo,

I got my ILR on 13 September 2012 after completing 5years on T1 general.
I was searching in UKBA website about the eligibility criteria to apply for Naturalization and could not find any thing about to wait for 1 year after ILR.
Could you please help me with the link?
It's not so obvious on the page.
Standard requirements wrote:Immigration time restrictions

You must be free from immigration time restrictions when you apply for naturalisation. Unless you are married to or the civil partner of a British citizen, you should have been free from immigration time restrictions during the last 12 months of the residential qualifying period.
1- I have completed life in UK test do I have to take any other English language test to apply for naturalization?
only if you apply after 26 October 2013.
2- My wife also got her ILR on the same day, can we both make application at the same time? she came in UK Jan 2010.
See Q3 in Citizenship FAQs - Common Questions - Read before posting.
3- What is the earliest date I can apply for Naturalization?
1 year after your ILR issue assuming you have been present in the UK on that date 5 years ago.
