My parents in law have a 2 year visitor visa (both are retired).
There is no specific maximum period that an individual can spend in the UK in any period such as '6 months in 12 months'.
Https:// ... nce-v6.pdf
What is the cumulative period of time (per 2 year visa) a person can stay in the UK in order not to qualify as a 'de-facto' resident? Do you have any law, say, a visitor must not exceed 500 days, if he/she has a 2 year visa ? Say, 5 year visa - do not exceed 1250 days in total?
Say, parents in law will stay 5 months in the UK, then 2 months in their home country, then 5 months in the UK and then, 4 weeks in the UK, 5 months in the home country etc. So pattern is more frequent to see them in 1st year (10 months in the UK / 2 months in the home country) and more rare in 2nd year (2 months in the UK/ 10 months in the home country). In average will be 50% in the UK and 50% in the home country. Duration of 1 stay will not exceed 180 days. Will it be too frequent or is it all right in order to get a visa after 2 years?
To qualify for a permanent resident you should be 270 days in the UK. Can we relate a permanent resident rule of 270 days to be in the UK and 'de - facto' resident not to exceed 270 days a year?
Will the time spending with a grandchild be classified as unpaid job (feeding, walking, put sleeping)?