Casa wrote:British citizenship is a privilege and unlike visa applications, is not a right.
1. one should be informed of an application's progress when they are paying a premium
2. citizenship may not be a right but it is jolly well earned by those of us who have paid significant premiums for many years for visas, obeyed more laws than the locals, had no access to public funds, and who have passed a "life in the UK" test that most locals could not pass
As it is one cannot imagine an application being found under a coffee mug when their own call centre cannot even access the application's status.
Be that as it may, perhaps you're correct. Perhaps the Home Office does contain spiteful ignorant individuals looking to punish those who have patiently waited, those who have obeyed the laws of the land, those who have shown loyalty and dedication to the country. That opens, then, the Home Office to all manner of legal challenges.
I'm very curious to hear about specific instances you are aware of where the Home Office has deliberately delayed an application decision to "punish" a specific individual?