Kevin24 wrote:arpit.tayal wrote:Hello,
I am on Tier-2 ICT visa and did not travel outside UK on company business except for a short 4 day trip.
My company does not keep track if I am outside the UK or inside the UK on my personal holidays.
I get around 26 paid holidays each year and I have always taken paid holidays. No days were unpaid.
How can my employer write a letter confirming that I was out of the UK or inside the UK on the personal holidays?
My personal holidays were mostly outside the UK.
Please advise on the ILR absence letter.
Can You get the dates you left UK and returned to UK from your passport?
Will your Employer sighn a letter confirming these absences,work related/annula holidays? How many days you have been absent fro UK?
Hello Kevin,
I can get the dates from my passport to find out when I left and returned to UK. My absence from UK are on average 30/ year with no year more than 40.
The concern is how can employer certify that I was out of UK on personal holidays when they do not keep track of my location on my annual personal holidays.
As I understand we have to get the information in letter about the days absent from UK and not the days absent from work, right?
Also, will a personal letter detailing the absence from UK help?
Employer can certify that the days were paid and were part of annual holiday.