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Proof of vacation leave - perm vs self employment

Only for queries regarding Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). Please use the EU Settlement Scheme forum for queries about settled status under Appendix EU

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Proof of vacation leave - perm vs self employment

Post by jasonolivier17 » Fri May 31, 2013 11:01 am

Hi there,

Hope you clever people can help clear the fog re proof of absences for ILR. I have some friends that have not needed to produce letters from employers saying that they were on leave from date X to date Y etc. For self-employment, I understand you will be fine stating the dates out of the country and reasons for the trips.

So, whether you are permanently or self-employed, you will not need a letter from previous employers for basic vacation trips and a spreadsheet stating dates and reasons for travel will suffice?

Any guidance would be a great help! Thanks in advance.

