Hello All
First of all i would like to say that i am very thankful to have found this site as it is a major source of information to all those in difficult situations. I need your help for my current situation.
As my current Post Study Worker visa is about to expire i will be applying for the EEA family permit over the next week or 2 to be within the early part of the 28 days. Because of this the following is very urgent.
I am the dependant over 21 years old child (non EEA national) of a European national that is exercising his treaty writes in the UK, i have all my life been supported by my father and all though working my wages do not suffice to support me as it is not even enough to pay my rent.
He is planing to apply for the EEA1 via PEO office time allowing or a the same time as EEA2.
we were thinking of including in the application :
1- Six of my own bank statements (showing transfers from his account to mine as our accounts are linked).
2- One of his bank statements showing available funds
3- Proof that he is my father i have a translated (in 2010) Birth certificate as well as the original
4- One letter from former employer showing he is in receipt of a pension
5- Comprehensive sickness insurances- one from his old job as it is still active and one i will have from a UK private insurance.
6- Printed pay slips stating my earning from my part time job
7- A cover letter stating his past present and future intention to support me (also stating that his registration card fro the London French embassy will be sent as soon as received)
8- Passport Pictures
10- letter from his bank showing the amount transferred to my account over last year.
As for what i have been able to understand from my readings, there is no requirements to show a tenancy agreement under the route we are taking, so my questions to you are as follow:
A) Are there any other documents you think we should add to our application or that we might have missed out on?
B) Should we add my tenancy agreement, is it a necessity? I am a little confused as I have been told by a volunteer legal advisor that we needed the tenancy agreement yet it is not a list as one of the requirements on the application or the European Casework Instructions.
should i ignore what he said and wait to see if the send a letter requesting for it?
C) under this application the EEA family permit should be for 5 years or could it be less if so why?
D) should we also provide 6 months worth of back dated statements from his account as well?
Has any one else applied under the same route? please share your experience.
Thank you in advance for all your replies.
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