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VAF4 appendix 4 preai flight partner

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VAF4 appendix 4 preai flight partner

Post by tanty12 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:51 pm


I have been given refugee status in the UK and would like to apply for visa for my partner. after much of poking in the net, I found out , he will need to apply using VAF 4 appendix 4.
I have tried to find a webpage that answers my questions on UKBA website but have been unable to do so.
I appreicate if you could either help me with my questions or point me to a UKBA document containing the answers,

basically I want to know

1. Does me or my partner have to meet any financial or language requirements?( I could not find any relevant information on this)

2. He is currently outside the UK, how long will the application take?

3. If granted VISA for how long will it be valid

4. Does he have to use his own national passport or has to apply for UK refugee conventional document after arriving here?
What is the difference between vaf 4 and family reunion visa?

Many thanks and will really appreciate your help

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Post by Amber » Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:12 pm

tanty 12 wrote:
Hi All,

I posted a question earlier on this forum but did not get any replies.
I have checked with my lawer and he says it is all good and my partner does not need to meet language or maintenance requirement for VAF4 pre-flight family members .

I want to double check this before he applies.

I also don't know what is the difference between family reunion and VAF , joining family visa . My lawyer told me they are the same apart from your partner applies on his own national passport

if no one is able to help me with above questions , I appreciate if you could give me an email address for UKBA so I can contact them and find out more about this.

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Re: VAF4 appendix 4 preai flight partner

Post by vinny » Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:24 am

tanty12 wrote:Hi All,

My partner has applied for family reunion visa in turkey as the UK embassy in our main country is closed.

I have few questions as follow and appreciate you help. I have tried to find the answers online but could not find any topic on this hence really appreciate any advise given

1. If he is granted visa , can he travel back to see his ill parents if needed? I can't go and I have a conventional travel document but he will have his own passport I suppose and does not need to apply for conventional travel visa?

2.he was advised that he will have to resubmit his passport once a decision has been made. I suppose they only need this if you are successful , right ? his passport was returned to him as he needs to travel back to his home country while a decision is made.

3.when a decision is made , how long would they need the passport for ? I am asking because he has to make travel plans and arrange a return ticket . if he is granted visa, would they send it to worldbridge so they only need to see his passport before handing it over ?

finally I did only supply a copy of my passport and visa plus marriage certificate . I did not fill any other form or any other letter as there was no mention of any other documents required. In another word do I need to write a letter or anything along those lines saying I would like him to come etc ?
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