wandali wrote:Hello
My Entrepreneur visa was refused last month, I have filed an appeal I am just waiting on the decision on my appeal.
I was just wondering if you can apply to another category like Tier 4 or make a fresh application after your appeal has been refused, Please help on this
You can ofcourse apply within 28 days of the receipt of written judgement (if appeal unsuccessful)...But remember you will be making an out-of time application (as an overstayer)..if for some reason your visa processing takes too longer and eventually refused then you might be in trouble coz you wont have any appeal rights and if the processing takes more than 90days..then you will be banned for 1 year. (Very remote chances since tier 4 visa processing shouldn't take 90 days in any case)...I would suggest you take a PEO appointment for a same day visa service...Or better apply back from home..