by Naija » Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:40 am
Hi everyone.
I am an Irish national and was exercising my eu treaty rights as worker since december last year in UK.My husband,a nigerian national has normal 5 year residence card,but we are going back to Ireland very soon.So i wanted to know what conditions do i need to fulfill when back in Dublin.Irish immigration will issue my husband stamp 4,but i wanna know what conditions do i need to fulfill?Do i have to continue working there or even if i use some benefits before finding work,is that ok?Do they have to issue him stamp 4 for 5 years or for how long?Which law covers that?As with surinder singh,i cant find answers for my questions.This would be just normal stamp 4,not eufam one.Thanks to this forum and its members,I was able to get EEA family permit and residence card very quickly,so im hoping ill get some answers here.