by socrates » Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:08 pm
Hello guys, I contacted my MP for my FLR(O) application. ( Got his acknowledgement letter) but have not heard anything from him again for more than three weeks. I also sent an email to him twice, once to inform him I would like to contact ombusdma, but no response. I sent in my application sine July 2012, Done biometric February 12, 2013. I am 'dying' here because I lost my good job because of the UKBA mistake they made on my previous application by sending their decision of refusal to an address I never gave them, for eight months I was working without knowing I have become an overstayer through no fault of my own. My employer contacted them later behind my back, and that was when I found out about thier decision. Now I reapply now on flr(o) and they are still doing this to me. Please what do you guys advise I should do? Some of you guys know my story. I don't think this country should treat peoplee like this, I even served in the British Territorial Army for Three years, though I didn't go to war.