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Immigrate to Canada

About immigration to Canada, canadian immigration programms.
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Immigrate to Canada

Post by rajsin » Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:56 pm

Immigrate to Canada
Last edited by rajsin on Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Non-EU/ICT LTS UK (Oct'11)/Married to CH National/Swiss B permit (Feb'14)

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Re: Immigrate to Canada

Post by jrge » Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:07 am

rajsin wrote:Hiya Gurus, friends, experts and everyone,


I am a Indian National, software engineer by profession, 29 yo, single, i have 8 years of total work experience (all from the same company), out of which 5 years in the UK , 1 year in Dubai and 2 years in India. I hold a 4 year engineering degree in computers. My level of English language is very high. I can also read / write and speak a little french as i studied french in University and watch a lot of french television and my room mates are french.

As per UK visa rules i am not allowed to live in the UK for more than 5 years and so i have to trying to find myself other possible options, though i can easily find a job in dubai/ india / singapore i still want to try life in Canada and if possible lawfully immigrate there. I would like your advice / suggestions on below:

1. Canada is huge so i would like to know which part of canada has scope for IT related jobs?
2. Should i study a masters degree first in Canada and then apply a job ?
3. whats the cost of living like in canada? My monthly expense are around £800 in the UK.
4. Are skilled immigrants welcomed in Canada?
5. Is there a possibility for settlement in Canada?
6. Is canada multi cultural in all parts or just selected areas?
7. If i plan to do a masters degree what are the options for a part time job?
8. Is the weather too cold? I have experience living in -10 C degrees in UK and Europe. But below that would it be miserable?
9. How is the public transportation like in canada or atleast the major cities?

I look forward to your response.

Many Thanks,


Life is short, earth is not
1) IT is needed basically everywhere. However, for those in the Financial sector find Toronto the place to be.
2) Does your current employer have operations in Canada? If so, it would be easier to ask for a transfer.
3) It is personal, as you might have different likes than others.
4) Welcomed and desperately needed.
5) Yes, there are plenty of options. You only have to follow the right one.
6) Canada welcomes diversity. But, it's known that in the west they make you feel right a home.
7) I'm sure you could work.
8) -10 it's not cold at all. -40 or -50 it is.
9) It is rather efficient and expensive.
Life is short, so let's get moving!
* Passport received: Family Permit approved AUG-22, 2011
* Landed in the UK: DEC-04TH-2011
* Received RC: MAR-21ST-2012
* Back to North-America Jul 2012

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Post by rajsin » Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:19 am

Hello Jrge,

Thank you very much for this information it was very helpful. I am meeting a solicitor this week to discuss migration to Canada. I hope they provide me good options.

Best Regards,
Non-EU/ICT LTS UK (Oct'11)/Married to CH National/Swiss B permit (Feb'14)

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Cargo Shipping Companies

Post by stevennancy7 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:33 pm

Thanks For nice post,.. :)
