We will be using his 12 months worth of salaried employment to fulfill the second part of the income criteria.
I will be fulfilling the first part of criteria to make up the rest of the level of financial requirement needed. I have been holding down a non-salaried part-time job for a few months but have just been offered a full time salaried job to start 2 months prior to the month we intend on applying for the spouse visa.
For the purpose of meeting the first part of the financial requirement, is taking into account I left one job for another within the 6 month period allowed? And how is it total income calculated if one is salaried and one is non-salaried?
I ask as I know for the income calculation the Annex states it
which means it WILL consider all employment in that 6 month period but is that limited to non-salaried calculation only?includes all non-salaried employment undertaken during that 6 month period, and will be calculated over that 6 month period regardless of how much of
that period was spent in employment.
As I will have done 2 months in salaried employment is it possible to add the actual 2 months wage on top of the calculated gross annual salary of the non-salaried income ?The only difference in Category B between salaried and non-salaried employment is how gross annual salary or employment income at the
date of application is calculated:
Where the person is in salaried employment– the level of gross annual salary will be as at the date of application.
Thank you so much to all those who have taken time to read and respond, we really appreciate it.