by exam » Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:36 pm
Comments below are based on my personal experience and the experience of my close friends, they are/might not official requirements. Follow them at your own discretion.
1. You guys are missing one very important thing, i.e. tenancy agreement.
1.1 If you have a tenancy agreement, attach a copy of it. OR
1.2 If the tenancy agreement is expired still attach a copy of it and along with it obtain a letter from your land lord and attach it with application. OR
1.3 If you don't have a tenancy agreement at all, simply attach a letter from landlord.
Letter from Landlord should state the date since you are living at or occupied his dwelling and the amount of rent you are paying. The letter must contain contact no and address of landlord and the address of the property you are occupying.
2. For obligation to return:
During my stay in different EU countries, whenever I invited someone, I simply wrote a cover letter, describing the visa processing authority/officials about the relationship with the guest/invitees/applicant, how I will support them financially (refereeing to bank account/statements), accommodation (refereeing to tenancy agreement or a letter from landlord) and stating very clearly in the cover letter that I will be responsible for their (relatives) return before the expiry of their visas.
None of my relative’s visa is rejected so far, they left the country few days before their visas was about to expire (keeping my words).
Keep everything clear, provide as much CLEAR information and details as possible and don’t lie.
If your relatives are coming to Ireland very first time, never ever try to apply for multiple entry visas.
knapps: Your list of documents is good enough. Cover letter and invitation letter should be the same (I think). Don't think so that their is a need of a letter from you wife. It will simply complicate the process. Also note that visa office will be very busy from August till early October because of higher no of incoming student visa applications from all across the world.
Best of luck