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SET LR (10 Long Residence) do I need to send English test

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SET LR (10 Long Residence) do I need to send English test

Post by raholptl » Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:49 am

I want know when appliying on SET LR (10 Long Residence) do I need to send proof for english? becuase I was reading the form in Section 3 it says about english and LIUK test. Or english requirements apply after October 2013? Here is what it ask

Section 3 - Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK
To qualify for indefinite leave to remain, applicants aged 18-64 must show that they have a
sufficient knowledge of language and life in the UK. The separate guidance notes provide
detailed information about this requirement.

Thanks in advance

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Post by Amber » Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:21 am

The Life in the UK test will suffice prior to October 28th 2013.

After this time, if you have a degree taught in English that is comparable to a UK degree then you should be meet the requirements in addition to the LIUK or equivalent.
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