by chrisini77 » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:25 pm
Hi all, thanks for all the advice and experience shared on this site. I was given a 27 months Visa on Oct 2011-Jan 2014, arrived in the Uk Nov 2011.
I attended my PEO appointment for SET (M) in Glasgow yesterday afternoon for 2.00pm but got there 12.00pm so as to locate where the office was. I and my wife spent like an hour/half in the cafe opposite the office before we made our way into the office as i had to be there 30mins before my appointment.
They asked for both our passport at the security desk and the type of application i was making. The security guy said we will be searched like we r in the airport except for no pat down, we had to empty our pockets and went through metal detector scanner.
We then went to a window inside the waiting hall where a lady asked wot application was i there for and i replied set M, she asked if i had made payment and i said yes i did online. she completed a form which asked questions such as if i am applying within the 28 days to my anniversary, if i am aware of the immigration rules for the category i am applying for, if i have documents required for the category i am applying for, and if i needed them to go over the immigration rules with me.
The lady went on to say i am not getting any decision on my application today and the payment i made was for my application to be processed faster. i waited for 30mins before i got a number and waited until 3.30pm before my number was called.
I took out all my document that was packed neatly in various poly pockets and just handed it to the guy attending to me, he never asked me anything ....all he then said was "i will input ur details into the system and pass ur documents to a caseworker but no decision would be made today on ur case".
He asked me to go and sit down and he would call me back, got called back after 30mins and he handed me my passport and told me i would be called for biometrics and would need my passport. I made photocopies of everything and asked the guy if he needed them but he felt reluctant taking them, but later said ok ill take them save us time to make copies.
I was called for my biometrics afterwards where my prints were taken and picture too..the guy there asked me questions like have my finger prints been taken before in or out of UK and when, have my finger prints been taken by the police, and have i committed any crime in the UK.
I Finished there and he said i can go, i waited a while again before a lady came out to me and said the biometrics has come through and my application has been passed to a caseworker and i will be getting decision tomorrow morning as they would call me between 8am and 11am she said i can now go.
I got a call this morning 11.20am that my application for ILR has been granted and my documents has been posted and i should be receiving them tomorrow and my biometric resident permit card will be sent afterwards and should be with me 7-10 working days.
Wish all those applying best of luck and thanks once again.