by alpha_t1 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:58 pm
My application yesterday at Croydon was successful and took only about 2.5 hrs. I am on Tier 1 (General) and had included my wife in the application. I entered UK about 60 days after initial entry clearance date, went through one extension after 3 yrs, applied for ILR 7 days before its expiry (so had spent less than 5 yrs but satisfied all immigration rules). During my stay I was away for a total of less than 100 days (in one trip up to 40 days). I was away from the country even when I was unemployed for 5 months. Explained all this in my covering letter. In the recent years I have been working through a limited company, so the income details produced refer to that. My wife is also employed, so included some of her bank statements as well.
Given below is a comprehensive list of docs I produced (I had included this list as an enclosure in my covering letter), thanks to the discussions going on in this forum. Have a look and wish you good luck!!
Ref Document type Document description Number of docs
ILR application & ID documents
1 Application form (SET-O) ILR application form 1
2 Photographs Photographs of main applicant & dependent 4
3 Passports All passports of main applicant & dependent 3
4 BRPs Biometric Residence Permits of main applicant & dependent 2
Supporting documents for knowledge of language & life in the UK
5 LIUK Certificates Life in the UK pass certificates for main applicant & dependent 2
Supporting documents for points claimed (qualifications, earnings, UK experience, English language, maintenance funds)
6 Points calculator summary Details of points scored with the UKBA points calculator 1
7 Personal bank a/c statements Personal bank account statements for main applicant 12
8 Business bank a/c statements Business bank account statements for main applicant 4
9 Letter from accountants & attested company certificates Letter from accountants confirming income payments (to support points claimed for income); attested copies of Company Registration certificate, VAT registration certificate & PAYE registration letter from HMRC 1
10 Salary slips Salary slips (attested by the accountant) to support points claimed for income over last 12 months 12
11 Dividend vouchers Dividend vouchers (attested by the accountant) to support points claimed for income over last 12 months 3
12 Post graduate degree certificate Post-graduate degree certificate (to support points claimed for education) 1
13 Graduate degree certificate Graduate degree certificate (supporting document only, points not claimed for this) 1
Supporting documents for economic activity in last 5 years
14 P60s P60 certificates issued by the employers (proof of economic activity in the last 5 years) 5
15 HMRC employment history Employment history letter from HMRC (proof of economic activity in the last 5 years) 1
16 Letters from Employers Letters from employers confirming dates of employment 2
Supporting documents for dependent (relationship, co-habitation, maintenance funds from savings)
17 Marriage Certificate Marriage certificate (to confirm relationship with the dependent) 1
18 Tenancy agreements Tenancy agreements (to confirm co-habitation with the dependent over last 2 years) 2
19 Council tax bills Council tax bills (to confirm co-habitation with the dependent over last 2 years) 3
20 Additional documents (for co-habitation) Letters from HMRC, NHS and bills from service provider (EON) over the last 2 years, as proof of co-habitation 12
21 Joint bank a/c statements Joint bank account statements (to confirm co-habitation with the dependent over last 2 years) 25
22 Personal bank a/c statements Personal bank account statements for dependent 4
23 Personal savings a/c statements Personal savings account statements for dependent 6
24 UKBA approval letter (2011) Grant of previous extension of leave to remain in the UK under Tier-1 (General) status 1
Supporting documents for employment with the Limited Company (Kramah Consulting Ltd)
25 Company certificate Company registration certificate (attested by accountant) - details of the Limited Company (included in Ref-9) 1
26 VAT registration letter VAT registration letter (attested by accountant) - details of the Limited Company (included in Ref-9) 1
27 Insurance certificates Certificates of insurance held by the Limited Company 3
28 VAT receipts VAT receipts from HMRC to confirm VAT returns filed by the Limited Company over the last 2 years 5
29 Agency letter & employment contracts Letter from employment agency (Henderson Scott) supporting income/business of the Limited Company; employment contracts between the Limited Company & the agency 8
30 Invoices Invoices raised by the Limited Company 24
31 Agency payment notes Payment advices from the agency confirming payments made to the Limited Company for invoices raised over last 2 years 17
Total documents enclosed 169