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Start date / peo appoinment

Only for the UK Skilled Worker visas, formerly known as Tier 2 visa route

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Start date / peo appoinment

Post by ann771 » Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:13 pm

I am switching from psw to T2 General.

My COS start date is 1 December and I am going for a PEO appoinment on 25 September.

I am currently getting paid 18k. From 1 December it will be the rate as per COP.

My question is if everything goes ok on the 25th and if the visa is issued, what would be the visa issue date on the BRP? is it 25/09 or 01/12?

I am only asking this question because if the visa start date is 25/09 on the BRP, the problem is I am not on appropriate salary only from 01 December.

I hope somebody could help me with my query.

Posts: 248
Joined: Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:41 pm

Re: Start date / peo appoinment

Post by alanwong » Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:30 pm

ann771 wrote:I am switching from psw to T2 General.

My COS start date is 1 December and I am going for a PEO appoinment on 25 September.

I am currently getting paid 18k. From 1 December it will be the rate as per COP.

My question is if everything goes ok on the 25th and if the visa is issued, what would be the visa issue date on the BRP? is it 25/09 or 01/12?

I am only asking this question because if the visa start date is 25/09 on the BRP, the problem is I am not on appropriate salary only from 01 December.

I hope somebody could help me with my query.
the BRP issue date will be the date BRP is issued. so it will not be 01/12.

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Post by ann771 » Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:32 pm

Thanks Alanwong

But i am confused, could you or seniors please answer the following leading questions

1) Does that mean my visa dates in the BRP, would be 25/09/13 to 30/11/16 ? (Although my cos dates are 01/12/13 to 30/11/16 -which would be different than what is in the BRP?

2) if the dates are like above (25/09/13 - 30/11/16), would not it make more than 3 years visa? Where as in the guidance it says the max visa can be given is 3 years.

3) Most confusing of all, if the T2 start date is 25/09/13 - but my employer does not start paying me the appropriate rate until 01/12/13, how would this work please?

I would be grateful if you please reply

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Post by manci » Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:47 am

You will become a T2 migrant on 1 Dec and only need the appropriate salary from that date. Your T2 leave will be to 30/11/2016 + 14 days.
