If i reschedule my booked appointment Will I be charged again?
This is what the UKBA website says
About rescheduling your appointment
But I am not sure what they mean by "you may need to"If you choose to reschedule:
we will ask you to choose a new date, time and location;
we will automatically cancel your current appointment; and
you may need to pay another fee. If you have already paid for your existing appointment, we may not refund the £100 appointment fee per applicant. You can find further information on this (including our refund policy) by reading paying for our premium service (opens in new window).
You can only reschedule your appointment while it is more than 48 hours away. If it is less than 48 hours until your appointment and you need to reschedule it for unavoidable reasons, call the
contact centre (opens in a new window) .
Do you want to reschedule your appointment?
Please advice