Hopefully someone can advise on this.
Been here one year now, myself and daughter are UK citizens, wife is on spouse visa (2 years under old rules).
We recently moved within the UK and I could not find work immediately. Jobcentre advised I was not eligible to anything due to being overseas for so long, but told me to apply for housing benefit, through the local council, which I got approved for, and also child/working tax credits, also approved. I have now started work again, so benefits are gone apart from a small amount of child tax credit.
On both claims we had to declare my wifes income, but stated in both cases, I was the applicant as wife had no recourse to public funds.
Now the thought has entered my mind, will this affect her application for ILR when we need to go through the process next year? We were clear she had no recourse, but both times, they advised I was entitled to this as a UK citizen.
Would hate to think this could talk to up our entire future here in the UK, but this cannot now be reversed as I have claimed and been paid funds. Stressing big time!
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