Thanks Brigid. I read on the DFSA website that it was only available to families with children too, but got confused when it was mentioned as a reason for rejecting quite a number of visas (as per the INIS weekly visa decisions list), where they state:
"F:- Finances shown have been deemed insufficient:- The visa officer, having taken into account all financial information submitted with your application, is not satisfied that your sponsor is in a financially adequate position to support your stay in Ireland. Your sponsor's income falls below the threshold set by the Department of Social and Family Affairs (DSFA) for Family Income Supplement. See for details."
I know that it's possible that the applicant has a child/children, however, it seems that this is quite a common reason for rejection of visas applied for in the Irish Embassy in Beijing so I was just wondering. I haven't noted it in the rejections provided out of the INIS in Dublin.
Thanks again