I came across this UKBA link and it upsets me a lot. Can somebody kindly go through it and let me know what I read was correct.
I am currently on Tier 2 Gen visa (from feb 2012) and hoping to get ILR after 5 years, but when I read the below clause in UKBA website, I was devastated
, since my job was never on shortage list. If this is true I am planning to move to a different country.
According to 245HF, Section (d) and Subpara (iii)
(iii) where a Tier 2 (General) Migrant applying for settlement is recorded (at
the time of application for settlement) by the Certificate of Sponsorship
Checking Service as being sponsored to do a job that either:
(1) appears on the list of shortage occupations published by the UK
Border Agency, or has appeared on that list during any time the
applicant was being sponsored to do that job and during the continuous
period of 5 years referred to in paragraph (c) above, or
(2) appears on the list of PhD-level occupation codes as stated in the
Sponsor Guidance published by the UK Border Agency, or has appeared
on that list during any time the applicant was being sponsored to do that
job and during the continuous period of 5 years referred to in paragraph
(c) above
I have attached the link below.
http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitec ... iew=Binary