I have PEO appointment booked in during 1st week of Nov'13 for T1 Gen 2nd Extn.
Please help with my doubts..
I am a a director of ltd comp and draw dividends and salary. This I presume is considered as self employed by UKBA in which case I should be paying Class2 NI.
But as per HMRC I am emploed and pay Class1 NI.
Now UKBA wants us to provide evidence towards registered as self-employed and paying class2 NI.
what document I need to produce in this case?Appendix A
19. (a) In all cases, the applicant must provide at least two different types of the specified documents in paragraph 19-SD(a) from two or more separate sources as evidence for each source of previous earnings.
(b) If the applicant is claiming points for self-employed earnings made in the UK, he must also provide the specified documents in paragraph 19-SD(b) to show that:
(i) he is registered as self-employed,
(ii) he was registered as self-employed during the period(s) of self-employment used to claim points, and
(iii) he was paying Class 2 National Insurance contributions during the period(s) of self-employment used to claim points.
I want to just claim points for earnings made between Feb2013 to Oct2013. Does that mean along with relavant personal bank satements I have to only produce business bank statements and Acountants P/L statements for this period? or P/L statement must be for 12 months.
Thank You in advance