Hi all,
I'm in need of some advice and I would really appreciate if you could help me.
I'm going to the PEO appointment at Liverpool next Monday for SET(O) application, and I'm quite concerned with my wife's application.
I'm missing co-habitation proof for few periods as results of bad record keeping. I hear some case workers do not pay much attention while some does.
We'll be happy as long as I get ILR at the appointment, for then I can re-apply for my wife's later, but we're concerned that the problem in my wife's depedent ILR application on SET(O) may block my ILR decision (main applicant) as well.
Is it possible for the case worker to approve the application of the main applicant only while reject the dependent's, or if there is issue with your dependent's application, your whole application gets rejected?
Thank you always for your help in advance.
P.S. oh, also, is it possible to turn up to the appointment with different family member/dependent? Obviously I've booked the appointment for the family slot and paid in full. At the time of booking, I've entered myself as main applicant and my wife as dependent. Now that I'm worried for the above, I'm thinking to apply ILR dependent for my UK born 1 yr old child instead (initially planned not to include my child, being UK born, but since there is a possibility my wife won't be able to get it, I'm thinking to include my child instead). Is this possible?
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