by manci » Mon Oct 14, 2013 7:32 pm
Unfortunately your girlfriend's pay is below the minimum required by Appendix J.
For SOC code 6146 the minimum is £15,800 for an experienced worker for a 39 hour week and pro-rating this to the 44 hours your girlferind works she would need a minimum of:
44/39 *£15,800 = £17,826 (which she doesn't earn at present)
On her salary of £17,045 to comply with Appednix J her weekly working hours would need to be reduced from 44 to 42. Then the minimum would become:
42/39*£15,800 = 17,016 (and she earns more)
Alternatively, of course, her pay could be increased from £17,045 to £17,826 for the 44 hour week she works.
Putting it in a different way the Appendix J requirement is £15,800/39/52 = £7.80/hour minimum.
Note that for the ILR application she would only need to start complying with the Appednix J requirements shortly before she makes the application.