Lucapooka wrote:You are also at liberty to read the UKBA site and much of the information you seek will be there for you to study.
The Section 23 b from the SET(O) guide states as below -
b. What must you do to show that you have sufficient
knowledge of English and life in the UK?
From 6 April 2011, main applicants in the categories:
•Certain work permit holders; or
•Business person; or
•Innovator; or
•Investor; or
•Highly skilled migrant; or
•Writer, composer or artist; or
•Tier 1 (all categories); or
•Tier 2 (all categories)
are required to show that they meet the Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK requirement and must do so by passing the Life in the UK Test.
However, applicants in the above categories who passed an ESOL with citizenship course with an accredited college before 23 November 2010, or who enrolled on a course before that date and gained the qualification at a later date may use this to demonstrate that they meet the knowledge of Language and Life in the UK requirement.
All other applicants
If your English is already at or above ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) Entry Level 3, you can take the test known as the Life in the UK test.
If your English is below ESOL Entry Level 3, you will need to attend an ESOL with citizenship course at an accredited college and obtain a relevant ESOL qualification as described in 22l-m of these guidance notes.
Dependants can show that they meet the Knowledge of Langauge and Life requirement either by passing the Life in the UK test or obtaining a relevant ESOL qualification as described in 23 l-m of these guidance notes.
c. Does this requirement apply to everyone?
It does not apply to anyone under the age of 18 or aged 65 or over at the time the application is made.
There is no mention of any other cases, hence the question.