James Paice MP keeps asking questions about Tier 5 in parliament. In the last 2 months he's asked at least 4 questions about Tier 5.
How many CoS have been issued? Who by? What occupations have they been issued to? For what durations? Which sporting bodies have issued CoS (separated by sport)?
Here's the link to all the questions he's asked - you can see he's gone back to the Tier 5 issue several times:
http://www.theyworkforyou.com/search/?p ... 0&pop=1#n4
Any idea why he keeps banging on about this?
The questions he's asking are sometimes very difficult to answer. For instance he wanted the occupations and durations of all the Tier 5 CoS issued by the top 20 (by number) sponsors over a 2-year period. That would cover probably about 15,000 CoS, and a very wide variety of occupations (in creative and sporting the top occupations would be musician, sound technician, manager, dancer, rigger, etc...). It would take days for someone to collate all this!
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