by syed28 » Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:14 pm
A big than you to all who contribute to this great website!!!
Hello everyone... Guys I need some help here please I have made 3 applications for a eea fp and they refused me all the 3 times with following reasons...
1st. you submitted a copy of an email from a shop in London that states your wife works there and is on a holiday in India. However this is not sufficient to confirm that she is exercising treaty rights in the Uk. if she has been working there I would expect to see some evidence such as wage slips or her bank statements showing the receipt of wages from the shop. Similarly you should be able to provide evidence of her residential accommodation in the uk by submitting a tenancy or rental agreement. While i am satisfied that you are the spouse of an eea national, in the absence of satisfactory evidence i am not satisfied that your spouse is exercising treaty rights in the uk. this means that i am not satisfied that you meet all of requirements of regulation 12 of the immigration (EEA)Regulations 2006.
I therefore refuse you EEA family permit because i am not satisfied that you meet all of the requirements of regulation 12 of the immigration (EEA) regulation 2006.
After this I made a new application with rental agreement and my wife payslips. and they refused me again and following is the 2nd refusal letter....
2nd. You have applied for admission to the Uk By virtue of European community law as the family member of a European national who is exercising of wishes to exercise rights of free movement under the treaty of Rome in the united kingdom.
In assessing your individual application I have taken account
The financial and personal circumstances as declared by you on your application form,
Your passport and travel history
your family circumstances and
the supporting documents you provided.
Your previous application was refused as limited evidence was provided to show that your spouse is exercising treaty rights in the uk.
In your current application you have submitted a 12 month uk tenancy agreement dated 08/02/2013 in the name of your spouse. You also submitted a letter from your spouse dated 10/09/2013 in which she confirms she will be traveling with you back to the uk. she provided an Indian mobile number (airtel indicated that the number no longer existed when we called it) No evidence was submitted (Evidence recommended for submission in our last refusal letter) to indicate your spouse employment in the uk. It would appear on the above evidence that your spouse has been in India for some time this year, and the tenancy agreement may no longer be valid. there is no evidence of ongoing rent being paid to the landlord for example, or of any employment for your spouse to return to.
You had Previously applied when in the uk for a family permit however you were then unable to provide evidence that your spouse was exercising treaty rights in the uk. That remains the case in this application.
I therefore refuse your EEA family permit application because i am not satisfied that you meet all of the requirements of the regulation 12 of the immigration EEA Regulation 2006.
I would like to add that
The ECO have deliberately choose to ignore my wife payslips and said I did not submitted payslips as evidence of exercising treaty rights. and said You had Previously applied when in the uk for a family permit however you were then unable to provide evidence that your spouse was exercising treaty rights in the uk. yes its true Because at the time i didn't new how to prove that as i am doing the application by myself and not through the expensive solicitors. and this does not allow ECO to refuse my application on assumptions. this goes to show how legal people works Illegally.
After this I applied again for the 3rd time.
With my wife payslips and tenancy agreement. and a covering letter explaining because of their unreasonable refusal we had to delay going back to the UK and as a result my wife lost her job and we have to vacate our house in UK as we are no longer able to pay rent because of our pro longed stay in India. and I said that as my wife have lost her job and we have to move out of our house in UK we would like to apply now on the basis of my wife wishing to exercise her treaty rights in the UK as a job-seeker when we get to the UK Wrote my wife in the covering letter.... And they refused us a EEA FP again and following is the reason for it .......
3rd. You have applied for admission to the Uk By virtue of European community law as the family member of a European national who is exercising of wishes to exercise rights of free movement under the treaty of Rome in the united kingdom.
In assessing your individual application I have taken account
The financial and personal circumstances as declared by you on your application form,
Your passport and travel history
your family circumstances and
the supporting documents you provided.
since you have returned to India you applied for an EEA family permit twice and this is your 3rd application in your 2 subsequent and current applications you stated you wish(ed) to return to the uk as a spouse of eea national.
your first EEA fp was refused as limited evidence was submitted to show that your spouse was exercising treaty rights in the uk. you provided a copy of an email from a shop in London that states your wife works there and is on a holiday in India. No evidence was provided for uk accommodation. the visa officer was satisfied that you are the spouse of an eea national,but in the absence of evidence, was not satisfied that you meet all of requirements of regulation 12 of the immigration (EEA)Regulations 2006.
In your next application, you have submitted a 12 month uk tenancy agreement dated 08/02/2013 in the name of your spouse. You also submitted a letter from your spouse dated 10/09/2013 in which she confirms she will be traveling with you back to the uk. she provided an Indian mobile number (airtel indicated that the number no longer existed when we called it) No evidence was submitted (Evidence recommended for submission in our last refusal letter) to indicate your spouse employment in the uk. It would appear on the above evidence that your spouse has been in India for some time this year, and the tenancy agreement may no longer be valid. there is no evidence of ongoing rent being paid to the landlord for example, or of any employment for your spouse to return to.
In your current application you state that your sponsor is not employed and is a job-seeker. you have submitted payslips purporting to confirm that your sponsor was employed from march until June in the UK. Since your previous refusal notice indicates that these payslips were not made available to the ECO dealing with your previous application, and no further documents have been submitted to endorse this employment, they have failed to satisfy me that your sponsor have been employed with this company. Since she is currently in India and has been living with you in India since before your previous application was submitted, I am not satisfied that she is actively seeking employment in the UK or that she intends to exercise her treaty rights in the UK.
In your 2 previous applications for family permit you wee unable to provide evidence that you spouse was exercising treaty rights in the uk. On the evidence you have produced with your current application, that remains the case.
I therefore refuse your eea fp application because i am not satisfied that you meet all of the requirements of regulation 12 of the immigration (EEA)Regulations 2006.
So this is my 3rd refusal and i just don't now what to do next please help me.............