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U.K. / EU recent deal negociations , any effect on EU treaty

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U.K. / EU recent deal negociations , any effect on EU treaty

Post by Dublin786 » Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:45 am

My question is about deal between UK and EU particularly on immigration issues , would that effect EU treaty right applications?

Any senior member of the forum can please help?

That Zimbo Lad
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Re: U.K. / EU recent deal negociations , any effect on EU tr

Post by That Zimbo Lad » Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:13 pm

Hello :D . Well I am not a senior member of the forum but would like to contribute.
So far as I could tell Cameron was very vague about the final details. However he did mention that there were proposals on "clamping down on non EU migrants who had gained residency in another EU state entering Britain" something that "Theresa May supports" on Sky News.

This to me sounded like an attack on Surrinder Singhers and I had hoped that Sky's political editors or Cameron himself would expand on this further but they didnt. In fact Murnagham tried to grill the leader of one of the "In" Campaign saying "non EU migrants are taking advantage of EU migration routes to enter Britain" to which he responded "what do you mean by that are you saying people get citzenship easily in other EU countries and move to Britain.....". I tried to look for the clip on Sky but couldn't find it as I watched it live.

The way I see it it was quite clear who they were targeting but for whatever reason there was tinkering around the edges by the media and Mr Cameron. Just like they introduced centre of life rules a few years ago perhaps the UK gov has found another loophole they are going to try and exploit to make Surrinder Singh more difficult. But so long as Britain remains in the EEA even if it leaves the EU, I stand corrected but the treaties that allow free movement of persons and capital will remain intact. :)

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Re: U.K. / EU recent deal negociations , any effect on EU tr

Post by Aaron-Law » Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:49 am

Hello Guys,

The element that UK politicians are fighting for has very little to do with Non-EEA dependants of EEA nationals, it's more to do with EEA/ EU nationals reaching the shores of the UK and claiming benefits from day one. What they have been portraying is that immigrants are bad in any way, shape or form.

The conservative politicians keeps saying they want UK to leave the EU. But their economy will suffer drastically should they choose to leave. Let's hypothetically presume that UK left the EU and walked away from all the EEA/EU treaties and policies, what happens to the circa 2 million British nationals living in other EU countries? Wouldn't they be asked to leave/ removed/ deported?
What happens to their respective kids who go to local schools in those EU countries?
What would happen to the Brits who invested all their savings in countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy etc... But never took residency documents?
In essence the British passport will hold no value. (We don't like applying for visas or waiting in queues at border ports).
The Sterling will plummet drastically (Goldman Sachs mentioned this in a newscast recently).
The conservative politicians keep saying that if the other European countries want our produce/ products they will import! Easier said than done.
Nobody likes paying heavy price/ customs and taxes for something that has very low resale.
Similarly British people will find it hard to buy German cars once they are out of the EEA/EU. The price of import will be higher plus people will now have to pay import duties/taxes.

It will only make things tougher on general public, should they decide to Brexit....
As painful as it sounds, it's the truth.


That Zimbo Lad
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Re: U.K. / EU recent deal negociations , any effect on EU tr

Post by That Zimbo Lad » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:06 am

Hi Aaron. Very well articulated mate could not have put it better myself. I come from Zimbabwe and I can tell you I have experienced 1st hand some of these issues you are talking about- particularly the import duties/taxes etc. For instance to import a vehicle from abroad you are charged 98% in import
taxes in my country. So say you decide to buy a nice German saloon for $30k... Landing cost is approx $58k. That excludes storage charges etc etc.

Obviously I don't think Cameron and company would impose such supertaxes given they are "centre-right" but for the squeezed middle class it will definitely have an impact. Of course such things are issues that the average Brit doesn't seem to think about.

In regards to expats/British immigrants abroad... It seems a clear case of 'out of sight out of mind'.
Throughout this referendum debate I have struggled to hear Cameron and company mention the millions of British foreigners in other EU countries. Best believe they will be concerned as you said if they have established their family life in another EU member state. However the British public in general seem to be obsessed with immigration it has almost become the scapegoat for all that's wrong in Britain. Obviously other external factors like the refugee crisis fuel the paranoia and resentment of immigrants but it's clear that the Conservatives play on those fears at every opportunity, 2nd only to UKIP.

Recently the out campaign had quite a significant lead and it will be interesting to see how the following months shape the whole thing. In my opinion when faced with the reality of the unknown- many of those undecided voters will chicken out and vote in just like what happened in the Scottish referendum. Speaking of that, if UK votes leave I also have no doubt the SNP will demand another referendum and this time the out campaign will most definitely win with that charismatic Nicola Sturgeon. So many uncertainties, permutations and combinations.

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European Union

Re: U.K. / EU recent deal negociations , any effect on EU tr

Post by rooibos » Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:43 pm

Some deluded ultra right wing Kippers types like to think that if the UK leaves the EU, the latter will collapse. Hence British expats, retaining Uebermensch status, will be allowed to stay because they are wealthy and bring money and prosperity. In reality most expats in Europe are pensioners who don't pay into the system and are a net drain to respective health systems, in particular France and Spain.
