by cruis » Fri May 13, 2016 10:59 pm
Hi Sperwaz123, I think its better not to amend it. I am in a similar situation. But in my case the difference is 1200 pounds (36300 and then 35100). I went ahead and amended the return in Feb 2016 and now worried about what accountant must say in his letter. I paid the revised tax of 350 and the interest penalty of 50 pounds. Also the accountant has agreed in his letter to HMRC that it was his administrative error. But still I am not able to convince myself. As HMRC system will not update the latest figures anyway and the new pending tax is just a amount added to system fictionally by HMRC Edinburgh team. Guys who are taking the amended letters/sa302 are just hinting the CW with the information that UKVI ppl do not have at all.