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Curtailment letter

Only for the UK Skilled Worker visas, formerly known as Tier 2 visa route

Moderators: Casa, archigabe, CR001, push, JAJ, ca.funke, Amber, zimba, vinny, Obie, EUsmileWEallsmile, batleykhan, meself2, geriatrix, John, ChetanOjha

Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:03 pm

Curtailment letter

Post by bholo » Wed May 25, 2016 10:29 am

My last employment finished in April. I have not recieved a curtailment letter.

New same day Appointment is on Tuesday. While filling Application form I have put current leave start and end dates based on my BRP. The application is submitted now.

Very unlikely, but if curtailment letter comes today or tomorrow then i cant ammend my application. Should i take it with my application to UKBA that day or just dont take it and dont mention about it.

My information submitted in Application at this point in time is correct.

DO i need to do soething if i recieve letter in unlikely event tomorrow or friday.

I doubt it will happen but still thought its better to ask

Posts: 174
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:28 pm

Re: Curtailment letter

Post by paradoxical » Wed May 25, 2016 1:53 pm

It's better to be as transparent as possible. If I were you, and if I did indeed receive any letter, I would take it with me and explain if asked..

Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:03 pm

Re: Curtailment letter

Post by bholo » Wed May 25, 2016 3:47 pm


But there is no need to withdraw the Tuesday application

Should I put a cover letter and say that I received it after I submitted by application

Should I give in the list of documents to them

Happy to do If receive the letter tomorrow or Friday but u sure they won't refuse visa on the ground that I have put incorrect current visa end date. I don't this won't happen bit thought better to ask

Let's hope I don't receive the letter as it has already been six weeks
