by kirankhalil75 » Mon May 30, 2016 5:23 pm
Dear All
i want to start a new topic about data link of HMRC to PEOs.
i have seen some refusals because PEOs have access to HMRC data base till Jan 2015
@ mk_engr, @devdl @ thiruuk
Could you please share your experiences and advice, or could we write letters to PEOs to update there system about there HMRC database or we should make request under freedom of information act to know what sort of database PEOs have of HMRC and how do they update it etc.
i have noted two type of refusal.
1. with amendments
normally they are refusing it as applicant try to cheat system or try to pay less tax etc
2. late filling of self assessments
in these cases they are simply saying our system is not matching with your last claimed income for extensions .
Looking forward about your views and feedback.