Non EU married to EEA National
Application sent (via post office): 12/02/19
Application received: 13/02/19
Payment taken: 15/02/19
Confirmation email: 20/02/19
Biometric letter received: 13/03/19(wrong nationality stated on it
Email to HO asking for amended biometric letter: 13/03/19
Email from HO apologizing and confirming amended letter has been sent: 19/03/19
Amended Biometric letter received : 21/03/19
Biometric details submitted: 21/03/19
COA with work permit received: 29/03/19 (dated 26/03/19)
Requested return of passports: N/A
Documents received(with cover letter to expect card within 10 workings days): 01/04/19
RC cards received:03/04/19