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Post by ADevi95 » Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:17 am

Hi,I came to UK in 2005 in July so I have now been living here for 11 years. I came with my brother and mother. I was 12 and my younger brother was 10 years old. We came on a tourist visa for 6 months. However, overstayed due to circumstances.
We had a case in home office under human rights as the whole family but never really had a response from Home Office. Now we decided to file cases individually on the basis of being here half of the life- FLRO.
We filed a case for my younger brother as he covered that time period when however his application was unfortunately refused due to an error our solicitor made as he didn't wait and filed the application under the time period (a few months and days short of my brother half of his life in UK) Home office was very precise off that. We later had the option to appeal which we proceeded further and my brother went to his court hearing and apparently everything went well. Now we just had a refusal again as the judge gave the reason that he is now old enough and capable to go to his Home country and start a new life. But he has been here over half of his life. What shall we do? My question is should we go for another appeal or start a fresh application? and what are the chances this time if someone could kindly answer.

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Post by member » Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:47 am

Do you have other reasons why you can't stay in your country of origin besides you have been in the UK since 2005?
