Hi Simpson to extend the Visa following is the procedure...
Firstly I would like know to if you have registered your baby at the nearest FRRO office .. you have to do it with in 14 days. this is the rule I faced on my Entry Visa... Open the Entry visa of India you got on your British passport of your baby ..the rule will be mentioned with small letters on the Visa..
I never realized I have to register myself.. I got my registration only after many months..
Bookmark this link.. this will be useful..
https://indianfrro.gov.in/frro/menufrro ... g=118CZ91C
1)select present nationality , state and district and then Check the registration and submit.
2) Then open the link freshly and check the Visa extension and fill the application..
It takes some good time of your to fill this as there is a lot to be filled .. try to save it every time and exit..
3) You have to fill Form C which is available in the the list of options.. First you have to register yourself and then you have to go to the FRRO office in your town or city .. take the print out ..they will approve the login details...only then you will be able to login.. Then you have to fill the Form C
4) Take a Indian passport size photograph.. which is 3.5 mm * 4.5 mm. Scan this.. you have to upload this photograph with same sizes in the above applications...
5) For Visa extension of your baby you will have to upload many other documents like..