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TroyNClare16 wrote:I have several low-medium range speeding tickets and several other offences such as having the music too loud and one DUI which is almost 20 years old. In all there is about 18 infringements over an almost 20 year period.
These two statements appear to contradict each other.TroyNClare16 wrote:I have no criminal history whatsoever...
I do not wish to offend. I just want to make sure that you understand the UK perspective. What might or might not be considered 'criminal' to you might not necessarily be what the Australian government considers 'criminal' or the UK government considers 'criminal'. Evidence for this is the fact that both countries ask for, and expect to truthfully receive, exactly this kind of information for their respective visa applications whether it be traffic offenses or more serious jailable offenses. Hence my statement on the apparent contradiction. Also, I do hope you don't think I'm preaching. I'm not. The Home Office has a duty to scrutinize this kind of situation. People have been and will be refused for demonstrating a pattern of similar minor offenses, whatever those minor offenses might be (sometimes surprisingly trivial). I just want to give a hint on how they might interpret /refuse your application, and why your lawyer advised you the way he did.TroyNClare16 wrote:I have NO criminal history. I am well aware of the dangers of speeding. These offences are not considered criminal in Australia. They are traffic infringements. Not sure how that is contradictory.
In which case I think you've done the best thing you can do by getting a lawyer to handle your application, which would have been my advice if you hadn't already mentioned you'd done so. Maybe someone else on here will be able to advise further. This topic has come up before on this forum. The only thing else I can say is that spouse applications do tend to be given a greater degree of latitude... within reason.TroyNClare16 wrote:Apologies if I seemed short. This is becoming very frustrating and my wife is very stressed about it all as am I.
I have had 3 offences in the last 3 years. Two for speeding 8 miles over and one for using my mobile phone. All of which were fixed penalty offences.
Hope things work out. If you can, do keep us posted on the result. This is a somewhat rarer situation and it may help others in the future. And there may be others on here with experience who might yet post advice for you on this thread.TroyNClare16 wrote:Thanks for the advice. Fingers crossed. We more than tick all the boxes in every other area. Its just this one thing that is concerning us. Thanks again.