by sonic » Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:30 pm
I would like to apply under Caregory B of FM1.7 - Do I qualify?
I have worked for 3 months in the UK and before that abroad (different employers).
The bold text is from Appendix FM1.7: Financial Requirement May 2016
5.3.3. Under Category B, the financial requirement must be met and evidenced in two parts.
5.3.4. First, where the applicant’s partner and/or the applicant (if they are in the UK with
permission to work) is in salaried employment at the date of application and has been
with the same employer, or earning the amount relied upon, for less than the last 6
months, they can count the gross annual salary at the date of application towards the
financial requirement. There is no required minimum period for this current employment
5.3.9. Second, the person must in addition have received in the 12 months prior to the
date of application the level of income required to meet the financial requirement,
based on:
* The gross amount of salaried or non-salaried employment income of the applicant’s
partner (in the UK or overseas) and/or the applicant (if they are in the UK with
permission to work);
I have a permanent job with an annual salary that exceeds the £18600 rewquirement. So that is the first part 5.3.4
For the second part (5.3.9), am I correct in thinking that the 3 months salary in the UK plus the 9 months salary abroad should also be more that £18,600 ?