by mersedes123 » Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:58 pm
Hello dear forum experts and forum readers hope someone can help me with my question.I do have resident permit which was granted outside of immigration rules,which is separate plastic card not a sticker in the passport.The problem is my old passport is expired as our country from where I came from start to issue new biometric passports and because I have only leave to remain until 2018 not Indefinite my embassy refused to help me here in UK so I have to go back and change while I am there.The question is when I will be coming back to UK will I have problem as I will have new passport with new series number,but in my resident card it doesn't have any passport number anyway.Can I just show them a copy of old passport and new passport?or I have to go to British embassy to notify changes while I will be back home?thank you so much in advance.P.s.this will be my first travel that's why I worry but I can not just ignore and don't go as next year my passport will be invalid,hope you understand and help me.