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moving to Ierland

Forum to discuss all things Blarney | Ireland immigration

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moving to Ierland

Post by Watandar » Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:00 pm

Dear members,

I hope someone can help with following. A friend of mine moved to Ireland so his wife and son can join him in Ireland. He is a British national. He has already found a job and a house. I did the same but from The Netherlands to UK. Here in the UK we first have to apply for a EEA family permit and when the family member is here, one applies for a resident permit. Can someone tell me how the EEA family permit is called when someone wants to apply for a Irish entree clearance? Which visa does one first have to apply for when the person wants to move to Ireland to join her spouse?

If anyone has relevant links can you please post it here?

Thank you for your help.

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Re: moving to Ierland

Post by Sincejune » Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:55 pm

Ireland is very difficult for eea route. People are waiting for thier visas for more than a year now.

I applied for my visa to Ireland waited nearly a year I withdrew her application and applied for schengen visa for her.

Check Ireland visa processing times post in the same Ireland section by fahad Malik. U will have an idea that your friend my wait for an entry type c visa for a year.
