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financial requirement employed and self employed can these

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financial requirement employed and self employed can these

Post by yan213 » Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:06 pm

I can see I may be here a while, it seems I have so many questions of what to most will be obvious,
1/ My wife is employed in a factory, she also has self employment income from a holiday cottage that she lets out normally at weekends, i could not see where in the application you can put both of these on the form, it seems to ask for one or the other, i also have a small pension that i need to add,

2/ Section 7A - Financial requirement
7.1 Are you or your sponsor in receipt of a benefit listed in section 21 d) of the guidance notes?

Since having cancer I am in receipt of benefits, but as our application is income based do I put no for this question, it seems if I put yes it takes me down the exempt route which is not the route we want to take,

3/ my wifes visa expires on january 7th, I am assuming that the application has to be put in any time after the 30 months but before her visa expires allowing for processing times, we are filling it in now,

4/ as we thought she needed an A2 English pass as it was after October, it now seems they have moved the goal post to May, but her application is in any way for the test,
she did pass A2 for coming to the UK initially, but we are not sure if this can still be used, not counting the fact the certificate was left in China, and her family can't find it, and the english test centre says they can only issue a paper with results not a new certificate, so just in case she does not pass the test again, can this paper be used if we can get it,

I look forward to any advice at all from any one
many thanks
