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EEA PR application: comprehensive sickness insurance

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EEA PR application: comprehensive sickness insurance

Post by bartkuk » Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:27 am


I am also in the process of filling in the application for permanent residency card and need help with similar problem.

First, my story in short.

Interviewed and hired by a British company I came to UK as a employee in 2008. Since then, I've had a various working life but I have been always working and paying NI. I also received the Work Registration Scheme card at the beginning of my first job.

In 2011 I went to university and graduated in 2014. I continued working part-time throughout my time at the university. To be exactly honest it was a casual contract, which allowed me to work different number of hours each week or month. I would earn about £3500 in total a year. My main income however, would come from a Student Loan, which I received for each of my studies.

After graduation (June 2014), I started looking for a better job while continuing working on a casual contract. Eventually I got a full-time position within the NHS in April 2015.

At any time during my stay in UK, I was not aware I needed CSI. I did applied for EHIC, which expired on 26/05/2015, but that was from UK.

So my question is: How do I proceed with the EEA(PR) application? Do I answer "YES" to a question in the application "Have you been a student or done vocational training since entering the UK? or is there a way around it, taking into consideration fact, that I was also an employee?

Please help!

Kind regards,


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Re: EEA PR application: comprehensive sickness insurance

Post by noajthan » Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:29 am

To avoid confusion & jumbled responses, I have moved your question to its own thread (this one).
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Re: EEA PR application: comprehensive sickness insurance

Post by noajthan » Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:33 am

To be considered a worker qualified person you need to show work was genuine and effective and not marginal and supplementary to, for example, your studies.
This is as per EU law.

HO may in addition apply its MET/PET test to help the caseworker determine if she agrees you were a worker. This is over and above the cleaner, purer EU law.

Otherwise - alternatives to CSI...
  • Did you have a RC issued to you as a student in/before 2011?
    Or a foreign EHIC?
    Any foreign health cover (perhaps a parent's policy) that extended to you in UK?
    Any EEA parent who was a qualified person in UK during same period and could be considered as your EEA sponsor?
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Re: EEA PR application: comprehensive sickness insurance

Post by bartkuk » Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:52 am


Thank you for a quick reply.

Unfortunately, I am afraid none of those alternatives apply to me.

What do I do? How do I answer the question to get through the application?
If I say "NO", I would be a liar. If I say "YES", I would have to provide evidence of "comprehensive sickness insurance" which I do not have.

I am really concerned now.

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Re: EEA PR application: comprehensive sickness insurance

Post by noajthan » Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:59 am

bartkuk wrote:Hi,

Thank you for a quick reply.

Unfortunately, I am afraid none of those alternatives apply to me.

What do I do? How do I answer the question to get through the application?
If I say "NO", I would be a liar. If I say "YES", I would have to provide evidence of "comprehensive sickness insurance" which I do not have.

I am really concerned now.
If you were primarily a student and had no CSI or alternative then you have not acquired PR yet. Your PR clock only started with genuine and effective work.
:idea: With all this wild talk of Brexit suggest at least apply for a RC for now so you have some sort of EU documentation.

However you were initially registered for WRS and you seem to have worked parttime through carefree student years.

:idea: Its a longshot but you risk only £65 if you apply on basis of being a worker who retained worker status whilst undergoing vocational training (if your study related to your previous work).

If you have good supporting evidence you should be able to make some sort of case. No guarantees of success though.

Example: ... 83525.html

:arrow: You will have to dig into whether this option applies to your university studies.

:idea: Suggest have a look at your timeline to see which is the strongest qualifying period in one or more categories of qualified person.

For example:
  • 2008-2013 as worker/student;
    or 2009-2014 as worker/student;
etc etc
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Re: EEA PR application: comprehensive sickness insurance

Post by bartkuk » Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:19 pm


Thank you for your advice again.

Unfortunately my university studies did not relate to my previous work. I worked in a hospitality sector and I applied for a health science degree.

I think 2008-2013 as worker/student would be my strongest qualifying period. Do you know what are the requirements to qualify as a "worker"??

Also, what is the difference between EEA (PR) and EEA (RC)? You recommend applying for the RC. Don't they ask for similar information as for the PR?

Thank you

