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Job hours calculation and letter query

Only for UK Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) points system. This route is now closed to new applicants.

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Job hours calculation and letter query

Post by gt23 » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:26 pm


I am applying for my extension soon.

I paid my employees gross annual salary (not hourly rate). They bothe worked 32 hours a week. On their payslip it shows basic pay but does not show their hours.

Now for HO evidence what can i show to prove they both worked over 30 hours a week and were paid ove the national living wage. I do have employee contract but would that be enough?

What other acceptable dcouments can is how to prove my employee were working over 30 hours a week?

Also, what is this rule of showing 1560 hours a year (total 3120 hours in 2 years) and they only accept 130 hours a month as maximum and for february 124 hours maximum. How does this work because if it is only 124 max for february this wont equaly 3120 hours in 24 months. Does this rule apply to me as my initial application was accepted before april 2014?

Also, the letter from accountant for job creation- does it incude how many hours a week (including wage per hour) employee worked and total number of hours for each in a year and then total hours for both of them to show over 3120 hours?

