by cotswoldsresident » Fri Feb 17, 2017 10:25 am
I am a USA citizen who has resided in the UK for nearly 14 years, been married to a British National for 6 1/2 years. I am due to apply for British Naturalisation at a Nationality Checking Service next week. I got 2 speeding tickets with minor fines over two decades ago whilst living in USA. Unfortunately I am struggling to declare them as it was so long ago, I don't know exactly when they occurred and the records are not coming up on my own complete abstract search for them - I only did the check to find out when they were and there was nothing on my driving record. I just remember it was more than 25 years for one and about 27 years ago for the other. If the Home Office can get the details, they will be more in the know than I am about it. That uncertain position makes me feel quite uneasy. Is this something I have to worry about for getting my citizenship in the UK granted? I am sorry if that is not coming out properly, I have never posted on this or any other forum online before now. An honest and useful answer would be much appreciated!