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EEA Family Permit - reason for moving back to UK?

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EEA Family Permit - reason for moving back to UK?

Post by BritGirl1 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:04 pm

Hello all,

I'm new here and have a question I hope someone can help me with about EEA Family Permits.

I am working in Germany and want to move back to the UK with my non-EEA husband, so he is applying for an EEA family permit (SS route).

We have lived here for over 5 years now and he has a permanent article 20 residence card.

My question is do we need to state anywhere in the application:

a) our reasons for moving to the UK?
b) our intention to remain there?
c) the fact that I will have a job waiting for me in the UK?

Also, is it an issue that we moved to Germany after we were married?

I see in Regulation 9 there is a factor (in bold):

(3) Factors relevant to whether residence in the EEA State is or was genuine include—

(a)whether the centre of BC’s life transferred to the EEA State;
(b)the length of F and BC’s joint residence in the EEA State;
(c)the nature and quality of the F and BC’s accommodation in the EEA State, and whether it is or was BC’s principal residence;
(d)the degree of F and BC’s integration in the EEA State;
(e)whether F’s first lawful residence in the EU with BC was in the EEA State.

Will this affect us??? His first lawful residence in the EU is in the EEA State with me....

I read they are tightening up the rules surrounding surinder singh applications...

Thanks in advance!
