Casa wrote:IMHO your wife may have a problem on re-entry if she remains on her current visa.
Thanks again Casa for such prompt replies, really appreciate it, seriously.
Basically what I figure from what you are saying is that it's not an exact science and it's a "should" not a "must"? Of course I will switch her the moment we are back. Without getting into details the trip is important hence I am stuck with it.
Also, in my opinion, if I do apply before it and there will be need for extra checks (which in my ILR resulted in a 3 month delay) then we can kiss it good bye, but if we were to apply on return (having the application submitted online and the appointment being within the few days of arrival) then we would definately be boarded on the plane back and will reach the border where any potential question will have a plausable answer. Why haven't I applied before? Was waiting for the accountant to process the return paperwork + the leave was not curtailed on the date of departure + this quote from the HO.
In regards to her ILR - yes, the clock will reset, but losing 1 year (and that's all it is for her) wouldn't have made a huge difference when weighted against the risk of having problems extending T1E, who knows how the business will do in Dec 2018..
Please leave a last comment as to your thoughts and I won't take any more of your time and attention.
Thank you
vinny wrote:Travelling may be
Thanks vinny, having read what you refer to it does appear risky, so is it simply a matter of having an understanding border officer? That would suggest that we would be breaking the rules, but as far as the situation is concerned the advice is to switch ASAP and that's pretty much what we were doing except for not cancelling a relatively short trip together as if we were to apply before it, it could likely need cancelling
PS I am sorry if it may sound like I am directing the convo into something that I want to hear, but really it's not, I just want to have a picture in my head that is closest to the truth so I can judge the likelihoods more accurately.