My EEA EFM was refused on base of Section 6.A Which states
A. Before you came to the UK
6.1 Were you dependent on your sponsor or were you a member of their household before you
came to the UK? Tick more than one if relevant.
On my previous application, I marked both
yes, Dependent & Member of household
I provide few money transfer slips and same home address. I was not living with EEA NAtioanl Sponsor but with his husband and my real brother and described that I was dependent on his husband.
HO says
what should I do now, Should I just skip that part that I was the member of the household before coming to the UK.You have failed to provide any evidence that you were residing with your sponsor while in your country.
because I have no proof that I was residing with EEA National, but with my brother who is also dependant and husband of Sponsor