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Please seek help from the software help page or their support. I suggest to coordinate this with your accountantIf sage unable then anyone knows steps to follow to get the report from MONEYSOFT?
FPS reports are generated for all the people on the payroll on a per month basis.If I need to produce FPS from MONEYSOFT then do I need do individual or in group?
ALL people on payroll show up in the FPS reportDo I need to add myself in FPS report or just two employees?
FPS report is generated by a payroll software. HMRC does not give you such reportsDoes HMRC send us report with starting and ending date on FPS?
Some people have done that1) Anybody is else having same issue or somebody know how to produce FPS as per HO requirement from Sage?
That date is when the reports are generated BY THE SOFTWARE !!! HO has NO ISSUES with that2)If there is no possibility to produce report from Sage.I will do from Moneysoft.However,I think current date appear will come on FPS.Can I amend the date or HO doesn't have any issue with date?
Yes. This has been discussed hundreds of times to be honest !3)Any one got visa who did produced manually FPS from Moneysoft?
Unless your claims are false and deceptive !!4)One other accountant advised me that you should not produce report manually from Moneysoft as it's not legal as you are enot submitting to HMRC.
As long as you chose the accuracy 0.00 (two decimal numbers), the difference happens, for example, you pay £1000, and the hours worked 34/week, the rate= 1000/34 = 29.411764 , if you chose accuracy 0.00 , the result will be 29.41amit8910 wrote:Thanks Zimba.
I tried with MONEYSOFT and it's very easy to produce report.However,I am getting 20p difference in calculation or report.
Do you have any idea how I can rectify it?
hi dear can you explain what you mean with "correct time stamp"amit8910 wrote:I found it Zimba that how I can do it.
Money soft's FPS works ...
You need to change figures in the deductions section.
Click on the pound sign- which gives pay details
Now choose an employee, go to adjustments, add employee nic adjustments and employer adjustments ..:
Go to tax and NIC
Add tax amount , employer and employee NIC
And then print it with the correct time stamp!!
Don't forget about the correct time stamp!!
With all respect, you mixed between the official document and the printouts,seasky wrote:I will remind that we don't know what HO thinks about people fudging data into another SW package. It might be that HO never caught on, or it could be they did catch on and are fine.
At the end of the day this report is a key piece of evidence that you had proper employment, and frankly even though you are inputting correct data (though mistakes could happen), you could just as easily have no employees and submit this RTI FPS report to look perfectly.
I know I called HO twice and they said not to fudge it, rather mention in cover letter (do we know of a case that someone applied explaining in cover letter s/he used HMRC approved SW and it does not format to HO requirements and was declined?). We will know in the next few months if my application is declined/approved
To those that say it is OK, would you fudge a bank statement (with correct data)? ("bank manager was on vacation and I had a deadline so took old bank statement and adapted it, but no worries it is 100% correct data"
To repeat, do we have any evidence on this forum that HO are OK with it? None that I am aware of (we know it seems to work, but just could be no one was caught...)
You make a fair point. Though one could argue they are asking for a printout of what u sent to HMRC.jafersadeq wrote:With all respect, you mixed between the official document and the printouts,seasky wrote:I will remind that we don't know what HO thinks about people fudging data into another SW package. It might be that HO never caught on, or it could be they did catch on and are fine.
At the end of the day this report is a key piece of evidence that you had proper employment, and frankly even though you are inputting correct data (though mistakes could happen), you could just as easily have no employees and submit this RTI FPS report to look perfectly.
I know I called HO twice and they said not to fudge it, rather mention in cover letter (do we know of a case that someone applied explaining in cover letter s/he used HMRC approved SW and it does not format to HO requirements and was declined?). We will know in the next few months if my application is declined/approved
To those that say it is OK, would you fudge a bank statement (with correct data)? ("bank manager was on vacation and I had a deadline so took old bank statement and adapted it, but no worries it is 100% correct data"
To repeat, do we have any evidence on this forum that HO are OK with it? None that I am aware of (we know it seems to work, but just could be no one was caught...)
Bank statements should be original, if it is online printout, you have to stamp it,
if you edited that statement or not, it is not acceptable because it is online copy,
If you edited the bank statement, you cannot stamp it,
Regarding the printouts:
It is not an official document, you can print it in colors or black and white, you can print it on red, green, pink, orange paper,
no one will ask you to stamp it or sign it or put a logo or it should be on an official stationery,
FPS is same payslips, you can print the payslip in excel sheet, no one will ask you why did you use the excel sheet, or why it is black and white,
The printouts should contain the correct data,
So, do not mix the FPS, payslip with the bank statements, or HMRC documents, or Current appointment report.
That XML will have the data of the SW you use, and suddenly you send them a printout of another SW....jafersadeq wrote:If they ask about what someone submitted to HMRC, he has to submit the XML file![]()
Printout FPS report is the summary data in the XML file, you can use this XML file with 100 softwares, and you can produce FPS reports,
If you used Sage, you can use moneysoft or BrightPay and import the XML from sage, then you produce FPS report,
Imagine if you lost your software, what can you do??
Imagine if you have used Sage for 6 months and then you changed to Moneysoft or BrightPay for the other 6 months? in this case you used 50% sage, 50% brightpay? start date does not appear on sage but the leave date appears on brightpay?
All XML files are same data, if there is a difference, HMRC refuses it....
HO is not stupid, they can see your HMRC record easily, and you can see your record online as well, so they do not look at the software you used, they want to see the tax, NI you have paid HMRC,
HMRC accepts all sofwares on their website, if you used sage or brightpay the accept it, if you used 50% of each, it is fine.
I ask you a question, if you lost your data,and you called HMRC, they will send you all data on plain paper, in this case how can you argue with HO because no start date on that paper !!! they will refuse you even if HMRC sent that document to you.
I have 3 softwares in my PC, I use one to report RTI, but I can print any report from any software, all softwares accepted by HMRC.
HMRC certainly DOES know which SW you use. This is logical as HMRC has an approval process for SW vendors, it is also logical for many other reasons, e.g. forensics of fraud, forensics of problematic SW ("the reports we get from moneysoft v have an bug, lets contact vendor") .zimba88 wrote:RTI standard is Software agnostic. ALL approved payroll Software speak the same language and therefore are able to submit FPS data to HMRC. HMRC has no idea which software you used to submit your payroll data. It is completely irrelevant to them.
You can in theory write your OWN payroll software. All the technical details of this are publicly available online on GOV.UK website and you can even register as a Software developer to implement all sort of HMRC Software including Payroll. However you must get it approved first by HMRC before letting public to use it for payroll.
An FPS report is simply a SUMMARY of what a payroll Software transmitted to HMRC (the same way a payslip is summary of what you paid an employee) so it can have any format or shape however the information on it must be correct. Such report is not an official document like a bank statement. Bank statements are produced ONLY and officially by a bank, so you cannot tamper with them for that reason.
The immigration rules do NOT even mention the FPS reports. They simply ask you to submit your RTI Full Payment submissions (whatever that means).
The purpose of this is to see when someone started and how much salary/NI/tax you have paid to HMRC.
Now surely sending the case worker all of the printouts of your FPS in XML format is certainly stupid as they are unintelligible to a lay person (case workers are not techies) Therefore I suggested to turn the XML file into a human readable document and send those with your application. Obviously some Software do this for you automatically as FPS reports. To be safe, attach the XML printouts too.
I am trying to provide as much information on this as this topic has now been discussed hundreds of times and is becoming boring to go over it every couple of days to be honest
I told my solicitor that this is what we should do, just create a plain table on Excel and enter the data ourselves so that includes all the information. I was sure that would work.jafersadeq wrote:One of my friends got his visa extension last year, he lost his SW-daata totally (he had XMLs), he entered all data in Excel sheet, even the payslips, he used Excel sheet, he named it RTI-FPS Submission, it was black and white.
His visa took 2 weeks time to get approval.
They payslips was very simple, the FPS was very simple as well, no software for getting those reports.
His solicitor told him that HO wants to see the data only to calculate hours.
Well we clearly know they also want starter/leavers, in fact that is the whole point of all of this (are you paying attention??) that some SW does not show thatjafersadeq wrote:
His solicitor told him that HO wants to see the data only to calculate hours.