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appealing from pakistan (unmarried partner visa)

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Marriage | Unmarried Partners | Fiancé | Ancestry

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appealing from pakistan (unmarried partner visa)

Post by Aka14689 » Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:16 pm

student visa tier 4
circumstances changed before expiring visa may 2012
august 2011 claimed asylum, refused no right of appeal feb 2012,
fresh claim march 2012, jun 2012 refused with right of appeal, appeal exhausted..
fresh application FLR Fp july 2015 got married with british in jun 2015, refused sept 2015 as an overstayer, put fresh application oct 2015, refused july 2016,
put human rights application june 2016,
the reason for all refusals are that i was served an considered as an overstayer, therefore each refusal was leave the country in so given days before that i would put another application, but then me and my wife both decided to leave voluntarily and apply from back home.
came back home aug 2016 voluntarily applied online application under unmarried partner visa (we only did nikah in uk not english registery as passport was with HO so we did nikah and nikah is not considered as legalized marriage in england) that was refused 22 feb 2017 reason that our relationship is not genuine and it sham marriage and we dont have much communication between we have got right of appeal as in the above refusals in the uk we didnt get any right of appeal in country but out country.
appealed march 2017..
my question in how long does the appeal take and all inculding hearing date and all the procedure

the last refusal was about not having genuine relationship and not much conversation between us is all they needed an excuse to refuse as we have provided each and everything how we met and from the day one till the day we put an application all call logs and emails and whatsapp chats and photos with friends and[/color] family
we meet all the requirement the 18600 income and many others
we have provided all the proofs we have been living together since 2015 jun and the contacts before getting married phone calls from 2014 till 2017 and emails from 2013 oct till nov 2016
bank statement on the same address and many other proves
i still dont understand why they refused

can anyone please tell me how long the appeal process will take? and what are the chances this time
we provided tones of pages of our convo via emails and whatsapp chats and photo together at home parks retaurant etc i dont know how to make them believe
they never interviewed me nor my wife they never rang my wife to confirm they didnt even bother look into the application properly they put in a refusal that you didnt state that the marriage was arrange or not even everything was explained from the day one yet they refused
plz help if anyone had same experience thanks alot

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Re: appealing from pakistan (unmarried partner visa)

Post by Obie » Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:04 am

Appeal can take up to a year.

After you file it, they will send it to the Entry Clearance officer, who will have 15 weeks to reply.
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