by shinobi41 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:08 am
Hi, I am a British citizen engaged to a brazilian lady. We plan to marry in Brazil this August, and then in March 2018 I wish to apply for the spouse visa. I am a teacher with a full time and permanent contract (which will start in September this year). By the time we apply we will have all the evidence of the relationship etc and a place to rent all sorted. I understand that we will have to pay the NHS surcharge, which is also not a problem. She does have a medical condition, the treatment for which is too fragile to take on a plane, and so my question is, just to confirm, if all is in order with my paperwork and hers, they wont deny us the spouse visa because she has a condition will they? Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but when I have looked online it seems to me that the UK does not negate flr and spouse visas because of medical conditions. (Neither of us will be looking to claim any benefits either, as she will be (hopefully) working as a special needs teacher, just like me.
Thanks, please put me at ease if you can, it will help enourmously.