I'm trying to fill in my form and am stuck in the employment section.
The guidance says:
but the Supporting Document section at the back of the form doesn't say anything about this but only:1.48 - 1.50 You must provide details of all your National Insurance contributions
made for your current and previous employment during the past 10 years. To support
this claim evidence can be in the form of payslips, P60s covering the relevant period,
or a letter(s) from the employer(s) confirming you have worked for them, from the
start and finish date.
which doesn't even correspond to the sections in the form. I'm guessing they completely forgot to update the Supporting Documents section .SECTION 7 Evidence of tax for self-employed applicants only
The most recent HM Revenue & Customs Self Assessment Statement of Account
So here's the issue: I was employed until 2013 when I started a limited company and is the director of the company. I can get payslips/p60s up until that point but am stuck as to what to provide for from the moment I became director of a company.
What have people provided in previous years, and has any one in a similar situation applied using the new form that can give me an insight as to what you did?
Any help appreciated!